Tuesday, January 25


Wow, I cannot believe that it's been so long since I've written on this here blog. Believe it or not, one of my New Year's Resolutions was to blog on a somewhat consistent basis. However it seems that this, along with my other resolutions have fallen by the wayside. The ones like losing weight, or keeping my mouth shut.

Truth be known, I'm exhausted. I'm so tired that even naps don't help (not like I get many). I've got a baby that has decided that sleeping through the night is passe, and a now-four-year-old that decides the best time to talk to me is around 5 am. Every. Single. Morning. The other night I fell asleep on Tanner's bedroom floor while Piper was taking a bath. She's perfectly happy to play with the Littlest Pet Shop pets in her "throw up bowl" (it's a big red bowl that we used once when she got sick, now she plays with it, yeah I have no idea what that's all about) in the bathtub. When I came to, I really expected to find a Gilbert Grape situation going down in the bathroom, but instead she was OK and playing in luke warm water.

This is where I mention that no matter how tired I am, Mark is tired-er. Apparently running a bakery means that you have to get up early, so he wins. With that out of the way, I guess I should admit that we're both exhausted. I mean we still have movies from Netflix laying around from December 13th. The sad truth is although I really wanted to see The Other Guys, the thought of sleep is so much better.

I even find myself looking longingly at the space under my desk wondering if I could get away with a Costanza, and I wouldn't even need a shelf for an alarm clock. The other crappy thing is that I am not only forgetting everything and losing everything, but I am starting to sound like my Grandmother, calling everyone by the wrong name. In the past couple of weeks, I've started calling Piper Tanner and Tanner Piper. Luckily it's not as bad as my Grandmother who would sometimes call me Fritz, which was her dead dog. My Dad always told me that was a good thing because it meant I was gonna inherit a lot of money. Oh how I laughed when she'd try to say my name and it came out Rus-Fre-Mon-Ca-Du-Fritz? I'm sure it was because I was the youngest, but that was my childhood name: Rusfremoncadufritz. It sounds both French and German. Oooooh fancy.

What's worse is that everyday I lose my phone, keys, glasses, or all three. Today at lunch I realized that I left my purse at work. Now, to be fair, it was stuck to the computer tower because of its crazy strong magnet used to keep it closed. How ironic that things always fall out. It's so bad that the other day I lost my food. That's right, I came home for lunch, made lunch and then lost it. I lost food. Don't worry, I found it in the garage where I'd set it down when I let the dog back in, but it still doesn't take away from the fact that for ten minutes I had no idea where my food was. The only thing worse would be to lose the car. Not like in the parking lot, because I do that all the time, but like permanently.

Honestly, I'd love to keep writing and come up with something snappy, but I'm tired and I literally can't focus. Plus Mark is watching the State of the Union on TV and it's a little distracting. Not so much what's being said but the electric orange glow of Tom Boehner's skin and poorly chosen pink tie. Also, he's cried like five times already. However, although I'd like to see Bachman's rebuttal to the rebuttal, I'm going to bed.